Clinton, Robyn’s husband, emailed to find out about the services of Let There Be Mom on April 18, 2010. Soon after our conversation, he shared LTBM with Robyn and together they decided to submit an application for services for Robyn.
At just 37 years old, Robyn was nearing the end of her battle with Breast Cancer, and she was determined to preserve her love for her girls. On Saturday, May 8, 2010, we had the pleasure of spending the day with the Shaffer Family. Soup bowls were painted, thumbprint impression was taken, clothes for quilts were gathered, gifts for the future were picked out, charms representing Robyn’s life were chosen, pictures for scrapbooks were collected, and creek stones were retrieved. Robyn had a Chicken Soup Recipe that needed to be preserved (it was given to her by her own mother); so the soup bowls that her two daughters (ages 3 & 7) painted also have the thumbprints of the whole family which will be made into chickens. The creek stones were pulled from the creek that Robyn and her girls could often be found playing in. These stones have been drilled and pendants for necklaces are being made.
Our time spent serving Robyn was an incredible experience. As none of us know our time, we did not know that the very next day (Mother’s Day), Robyn would be taken to the hospital where she would spend the last couple days of her life. The Lord welcomed Robyn home on Tuesday morning, May 11, 2010. In the short time we spent with her and her family, she changed our lives forever. Thank you, Robyn.