We met Marvin in his home in Woodruff, SC, in January of 2016. At 51 years old, Marvin is battling COPD; he and his wife Beth have adopted their two young grandchildren (Ashley (4) & Michael (5)) and are raising them as their own. Marvin has many great stories to pass along to the children and will do so by writing them letters that will be kept in a book of envelopes. To preserve Marvin’s love of cooking cutting boards recipe books will be made to be given to the children in the future. A photographer will be capturing family pictures, something this family has not had the opportunity to have before now. One special picture will be chosen along with several from the past to be quilted together along with Marvin’s clothing to make blankets for Ashley & Michael. Bibles will be given to each of them to pass along Marvin’s faith and his desire for them to know the Lord. Please keep Marvin, Beth, Michael, & Ashley in your prayers.